With money, comes questions. From how to maximize your retirement income to knowing the appropriate investment strategy based on your goals—it can be a lot to think about. We’re by your side to help you feel confident about your future.
We’ll work closely with you to create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals and are available to connect whenever you have questions.
"We don’t work on commissions."
Our firm is a fee-only Registered Investment Adviser that delivers financial planning for a simple flat fee and investment management for percentage of assets under management. We have no financial incentives to recommend certain products and will create a plan that is goal-driven, not market-driven. And they’ll use the low-cost funds from providers such as Vanguard Funds, iShares and Dimensional Fund Advisors.
Shopping for a Advisor or Financial Planner?
Look for a financial advisor who is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professional. They're regulated and have taken mandatory training on aspects of financial planning.
Consider the planner's pay structure and fees. A planner who earns money based on commission rather than a flat, hourly rate could have an incentive to steer you in a particular direction.
Read the Code of Ethics that your financial planner adheres to. Look for the word "fiduciary" and language that requires planners to look after your best interests.
Be aware of big promises.
There are a long list of products and strategies that market-beating results with very little concern. Every investment and financial decision has trade-offs of both advantages and potential downside or loss.
The rules and regulation around financial professionals can be easy to get mislead. For instance, there are advisors that are licensed as "insurance agents" only without being a fiduciary that offer insurance or annuity products with what appear to be attractive terms like a level income or principal protection regardless of the performance of the underlying investment that could be stocks or bonds. These products aren't all bad, but the sales tactics of the financial professional can be misleading or aggressive.
Compare and Contrast Them Versus Us
THEM: They’re not legally expected act in your best interest both today and tomorrow – only to do what is suitable for you at the moment. They are doing bare minimum.
THEM: They talk to you about proprietary products that are labeled as financial planning, even if they’re not what’s best for you. It's only what they are able to sell.
THEM: Your investments could be subject to higher hidden fees, revenue sharing paid to their managers or owners and commissions based on your actions.
THEM: Additional services are passed along to managers or connected companies, often under one common ownership, with a kickback or extra revenue to the referring professional.
THEM: Their team may not have the education and experience your wealth and situation requires to help you navigate the future.